Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Update #1: Sensory Deprivation Learning

20 Time is an idea in which people are allowed 20% of their work time to work on any project of their choosing that they are passionate about. It is used in many companies such as Google and even in Saratoga High School. Many great projects and inventions are created from 20 time because it allows people to work on projects they truly care about, such as in our case where we are trying to find an innovative way to learn through testing sensory deprivation. In biology class, everyone is doing 20 time projects that they care about can have an effect on the lives of other people.

Brain plasticity is when different parts of the brain create passages to each other. If you have an impairment, such as deafness, you're seeing might be better than normal people because the passages go more to the other part of the brain rather than the hearing part. This enhances other parts of the body and allows those with impaired senses to compensate for their lack of hearing, sight, etc. This might help us academically because if we want to say memorize a paragraph, and say our ears are blocked, we may be able to memorize it better or faster because there are less distraction around us and the passages between our eyes and other cells may grow, enhancing our eyes and allowing us to learn better. To see whether we can use this to our academic advantage and enhance our learning abilities we are asking the question of: Can impairing different senses enable students to retain information better?

We have chosen this question because we believe answering it can truly help the learning process for all people and expand learning abilities. If our prediction over this test is correct, it will yield a whole new way of studying that can shape our intelligence and learning prospects. In order to answer this question, we will create a set of experiments that test the impairment of different senses and learning types, such as visual and auditory. We will find test subjects and give them task to accomplish, with one subject unaltered, while the other will have a non used sense impaired. All other factors will be the same for both subjects, including their environment and visual conditions.

Our goal is to create as many experiments as possible with as many different senses on as many people as possible to gain the largest amount of information. We can use this information to come to a clear answer for our question and formulate into a solution that can help the current learning process. Each week, will create and test a new experiment, and collect information in a quantitative way through the usage of memorization and quizzes.

We hope you like our project and hope to gain insight on any recommendations you have on how to improve it.

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